Epidural is a tiny injection inserted in your lower back, through which a catheter (fine tube), the size of a string, is passed in your lower back. Women who want to deliver without pain can have an epidural, but not those on blood-thinning medications or abnormal blood tests.
Epidural can enable you to rest, relax, get engaged and invigorate you to push ahead as an active participant in giving birth. By minimizing the inconvenience of labor, most women have a progressively positive birth experience.
When you deliver by c-section, the similar epidural can be utilized to give anesthesia during the operation and relief from discomfort at the time of recovery.
When different kinds of methods are not helpful, an epidural can assist you with managing weariness, fatigue and irritability. It guarantees for you to have painless delivery. Viswas hospitalis one of the painless delivery hospitals in guntur providing best care for woman during pregnacy and child birth.